Musing Music Muses
How's that for alliteration?
Okay well then, it’s been a while since I regaled you with stories and anecdotes. Just been mentally exhausted for a while, but I do have a few cute ones for you. Remind me and I’ll also write about our Mackinac Island visit and bar hopping; 4th of July fireworks; and Michela’s impersonation of Esther Williams swimming the English Channel in a coma, via backstroke. (What is disturbing is that I immediately dragged that name out of my memory archives, having never needed it before – but do you think I can remember where the hell I just put my glasses?!?!?) Oh and did I mention that my blood tests came back 100% perfect? Apparently I have no medical excuse for either fatigue or faulty memory. Damn.
In the meantime, my friend Dagmar has posted her 100 favorite tunes as a sort of round-robin. Unfortunately, not having a computer at home nor having ability to record CDs at work, I am limited to posting mine here.
I suppose you will see from the list that many of my favorites are ones you hear on the radio a million times when they first come out. I have a small music collection but don’t go out and buy a CD just because I like one song on it. Rather I have compilations of my all-time favorite artists. I don’t listen to music enough to justify spending lots of $$ on it, so there is a lot I admit I miss out on. Heck I don’t even have a real CD player in my car (just an old portable), and the brand new one in the truck is mysteriously deceased due to a broken wire that I can’t locate under the hood.
I gave up on vinyl some time ago, long before my mom spent over $100 on used records at a yard sale several years back -- one of her endless bright ideas was that she was going to record them onto (I kid you not) reel to reel tape and then onto CD. Mom was thumbing through this guys’ entire life collection of records (another dead person whose relatives were selling his stuff.....creepy) and squealing every time she pulled out an old [insert 70s band] album. (5+ years later they are still gathering dust in the basement and I have added them mentally to the pile of stuff that will be at HER ghoulish garbage sale.)
This from the lady whose cool LPs I used to scam when I was 13, you know, Steppenwolf, Janis Joplin, Cat Stevens..... Anyway, while at the aforementioned sale I noticed one I wanted myself, so I added to the stack - Alice Cooper’s “Killer” – and she said, “Oh, Alice Cooper! I like her!”
***Side Tracked***
My daughter and I were at some discount store (do I ever shop elsewhere?) over the weekend and since the young folk were all working the music volume was up rather loud. You can tell who is working the registers simply by listening to the tunage. Hip Hop – teenage girls (many of color); countrywestern – the older set, almost stricly Caucasian; classic rock – baby boomers, and so on.
Kiddo doesn’t pay much attention to the blaring noise, and I pretty much ignore it too. One must endure that which one cannot change.
Suddenly she grabbed my hand and started be-bopping in the sock aisle. I like to indulge her when I can so I started dancing too. She cried “wiggle butt mommy!” and we started shaking it. What was playing ---- “Born to be Wild” by Steppenwolf. I tell you, she LOVED that tune! We had to dance through the whole thing. And she was making these cute little motorcycle mama faces and doing some serious dance moves. It was so cute, I almost cried. She’s gonna be a little headbanger. That’s my girl!
Okay, back to original subject. It’s gonna take me a couple days to get these all typed in so I’ll save it for the next post. I think I have may have already mentioned my top 4 favorite bands: AC/DC, Pink Floyd, The Monkees, Led Zeppelin. So you’ll see them mentioned quite often. And honorable mention goes to Vince Gill - not because of his music, but the instead the quality and timbre of his voice. Something about it just makes my knees quiver and want to fall open. Sheesh!
Okay well then, it’s been a while since I regaled you with stories and anecdotes. Just been mentally exhausted for a while, but I do have a few cute ones for you. Remind me and I’ll also write about our Mackinac Island visit and bar hopping; 4th of July fireworks; and Michela’s impersonation of Esther Williams swimming the English Channel in a coma, via backstroke. (What is disturbing is that I immediately dragged that name out of my memory archives, having never needed it before – but do you think I can remember where the hell I just put my glasses?!?!?) Oh and did I mention that my blood tests came back 100% perfect? Apparently I have no medical excuse for either fatigue or faulty memory. Damn.
In the meantime, my friend Dagmar has posted her 100 favorite tunes as a sort of round-robin. Unfortunately, not having a computer at home nor having ability to record CDs at work, I am limited to posting mine here.
I suppose you will see from the list that many of my favorites are ones you hear on the radio a million times when they first come out. I have a small music collection but don’t go out and buy a CD just because I like one song on it. Rather I have compilations of my all-time favorite artists. I don’t listen to music enough to justify spending lots of $$ on it, so there is a lot I admit I miss out on. Heck I don’t even have a real CD player in my car (just an old portable), and the brand new one in the truck is mysteriously deceased due to a broken wire that I can’t locate under the hood.
I gave up on vinyl some time ago, long before my mom spent over $100 on used records at a yard sale several years back -- one of her endless bright ideas was that she was going to record them onto (I kid you not) reel to reel tape and then onto CD. Mom was thumbing through this guys’ entire life collection of records (another dead person whose relatives were selling his stuff.....creepy) and squealing every time she pulled out an old [insert 70s band] album. (5+ years later they are still gathering dust in the basement and I have added them mentally to the pile of stuff that will be at HER ghoulish garbage sale.)
This from the lady whose cool LPs I used to scam when I was 13, you know, Steppenwolf, Janis Joplin, Cat Stevens..... Anyway, while at the aforementioned sale I noticed one I wanted myself, so I added to the stack - Alice Cooper’s “Killer” – and she said, “Oh, Alice Cooper! I like her!”
***Side Tracked***
My daughter and I were at some discount store (do I ever shop elsewhere?) over the weekend and since the young folk were all working the music volume was up rather loud. You can tell who is working the registers simply by listening to the tunage. Hip Hop – teenage girls (many of color); countrywestern – the older set, almost stricly Caucasian; classic rock – baby boomers, and so on.
Kiddo doesn’t pay much attention to the blaring noise, and I pretty much ignore it too. One must endure that which one cannot change.
Suddenly she grabbed my hand and started be-bopping in the sock aisle. I like to indulge her when I can so I started dancing too. She cried “wiggle butt mommy!” and we started shaking it. What was playing ---- “Born to be Wild” by Steppenwolf. I tell you, she LOVED that tune! We had to dance through the whole thing. And she was making these cute little motorcycle mama faces and doing some serious dance moves. It was so cute, I almost cried. She’s gonna be a little headbanger. That’s my girl!
Okay, back to original subject. It’s gonna take me a couple days to get these all typed in so I’ll save it for the next post. I think I have may have already mentioned my top 4 favorite bands: AC/DC, Pink Floyd, The Monkees, Led Zeppelin. So you’ll see them mentioned quite often. And honorable mention goes to Vince Gill - not because of his music, but the instead the quality and timbre of his voice. Something about it just makes my knees quiver and want to fall open. Sheesh!
At 10:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
It's so incredibly adorable.
Haaw! Pink Floyd!
Rawrr! Led Zeppelin!
Grrrr! AC/DC!
Cute! Monkees!
I eagerly await your list, and anything I don't have that is on it, I intend to acquire immediately. Cool!
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