Independent Depression

I'm rather new to this blog thing. One thing I did not realize is that all new stuff shows up on top. So if I'm trying to write things in order you may not get to read them that way. My apologies. I had no idea I had so many things to say.

13 November 2006

Job Security

Hm, I emailed this post to the blog last week but it apparently didn't take.

I got a backhanded compliment today. Remember way back when I told you about all the fun things I get to do in my job? One of these is tracking statistics indirectly for the VP of Engineering. [Which is pretty damned funny to me since I failed algebra in high school.] So, in May of this year I put together some Excel charts; sifted through endless piles of convoluted data and came up with a system to calculate ED&T and other intricate things by commodity instead of by program.

What that means is, normally when we are awarded business, it is by "program" (think: vehicle line). For example, the ZW04 program was for the 2004 Nissan Titan; it included all the register vents; defroster grille; 3 cupholders, much of the Instrument Panel trim.... you get the picture. The entire program budget and its reporting functions are based on the collective group of parts.

In the years since we have divided up our internal departments by commodity (part style) in the interests of better engineering and design. So, since I work with the A/C Register group, I have to filter out all the financials and statistics based on only our parts, and then report out monthly. The Cupholder and Trimpanel people are essentially in the same boat, albeit far behind us since we were the "Pilot Group" for the management change.

Unfortunately, our accounting systems have not been and probably will not be updated to reflect this change in management styles, at least not in the near future.

In May it was announced to Engineering in general that we (the company) would begin reporting on all this data that I have been working on. I even went retroactive to January and calculated all sorts of stuff for our group – ED&T, Budget analysis, charts, graphs, pretty colors, the works!

However, the heads of the other groups (Technical Managers) had a communal fit when they learned that it was going to take actual WORK to provide this data. Therefore, they did NOTHING with it all year long. Except for my group, who, (patting myself on the back) due to my efforts, were able to report out at a moment’s notice, any time, all year long. Muhahaha.

So.... last week I was invited to an upper management meeting.... seems that the VP of Eng finally noticed that NONE of the other Tech Mgrs had been reporting out on their required data all year. He looked around the room at all the people who were studiously inspecting their fingernails, sighed, looked at me and said, "Laura, I know you’re very busy, but do you mind helping these guys out?". Hehe. I was very gracious about insisting on payment in dark chocolate. In a pinch I’ll even accept M&Ms.

And today’s kicker is, I spent most of the day Wednesday redesigning our staffing plan format so that we can see not only our existing manpower requirements but also projected needs and impact on current. Today I was copied on a memo from.... you guessed it, the Engineering VP to the Tech Managers "I would like you to use this chart ...for your manpower staffing needs. See Laura if you have any problems with how it works."

One of the upstairs Tech Mgrs sent an emissary down to break my fingers. Apparently, they believe I am torturing them under the pretext of competence and good organization. I have been accused of being too efficient. (Luckily, I know judo, karate and several other foreign words.)
I – SO - ROCK!!!!

Except, now I have been (humbly) asked to provide the entire company’s worth of data next Friday. If I pulled in all the favors that I’m owed, I’d weigh 300 pounds. What’s a gal to do?

PS My guys said anyone who wants to break anything of mine has to go through all seventeen of them first. Hehe. It's good to be the King, er... Queen.


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