Independent Depression

I'm rather new to this blog thing. One thing I did not realize is that all new stuff shows up on top. So if I'm trying to write things in order you may not get to read them that way. My apologies. I had no idea I had so many things to say.

18 July 2006

Car-Ma Revisited

I've been looking for what seems like *ages, trying to replace my current car, which is likely on its last set of wheels. Brand-new wheels, I should add, somewhat acidly. Okay, brand-new tires anyway, which approximately quadrupled the value of the entire vehicle, which is to say, nothing times 4 is still nothing. Sigh.

I did test drive a lot of little '4-bangers' because, living 30 miles from work, I want something a little more fuel-efficient than Lil' Rusty. There was a cute little red ’99 Pontiac Sunfire that I really liked, however the guy would not take less than $3K for it, which I just could not do. And apparently I can no longer have a major purchase be red, blue or purple. The last 10 years of vehicles have been, in order - white, black, white, gray/white, gray, white and now white. My horse trailer is gray. My house trailer is gray and white. Anything else would upset my feng shui.

I've been kind of snowed by a couple of sales folks lately, for example I looked at a ’, maybe it was a Cavalier or Corolla or something, a decent deal at $2900, only 77K miles on it, nice and clean..... until I drove it and the transmission would KA-THUNK into gear every time. Good Ol' Boy Dealer tried to tell me it was because it was a small car and had a little engine. Right..... like the time I bought my '84 S10 Blazer - needed a new starter, no big deal, but the Good Ol' Boy dealer told me “It starts hard because it’s a truck, little lady.” UH-HUH. [See previous blog about discrimination.....!]

They all get real quiet when I actually (gasp!) open the hood and do simple things like pull out the dipstick to check the sludge, er, oil quality; test drive and apply brakes without hands on the wheel to see if it will stop straight; pull off a wheel to check the rotors; easy stuff that apparently most girls don’t know how to do.

GOB Dealer, meet the first child of my father, the best [posthumously] damn mechanic in the state of Michigan. Muhahahaha.


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