Following is another question series I stole from Dagmar
1. What is your earliest memory? Being picked up to sit on my Great Grandma's lap for a four-generation picture. Must have been about 18 months old. My mom swears I cannot remember it, but she's wrong. I have the picture somewhere too.
3. What was your favorite toy as a child? My Lone Ranger and Silver poseable "action figures". (Which is just PC for Boy Barbie Dolls)
4. What did you want to be when you were growing up? A veterinarian
5. When's the last time you've been sledding? A few years ago with AC and family. What fun!
6. What's the last dream you remember? I dream a million dreams a night and they mostly evaporate about 15 seconds after I wake up. But they're so complex, and so busy that I wake up exhausted every day.
7. First thought when the alarm went off this morning? "NOOOOOOOO!!!!"
8. What time did you wake up this morning? 5:23 am when the cat announced that he HAD to go outside to go potty. You know, I don't mind cleaning the catbox THAT much, but apparently he has vowed never to use one unless the snow is higher than his butthole.
9. First place you went this morning? Potty.
10. Last thought before going to sleep last night? No clue. Probably getting my mind in order for the work week (it's Monday)
11. What did you have for dinner last night? Roast Pork Stew. Okay it was supposed to be just roast pork but my mother added too much water and it was too late to simmer it down at 8:30pm. So I added lots of potato flakes to thicken it, some dried onions and pepper for flavor and it was pretty good.
12. When did you last cry? Hmm, sometime last week I think. I've about given up on it since it does me no good and just makes my face swell and my nose stop up.
13. Last book you read? Another ditzy romance novel from my XSMIL.
14. Song You Last Heard? Some Zeppelin on the radio... can't remember. Too groggy on the morning drive to work.
15. Last time you had a run-in with the cops? Honey, I AM the cops.
16. Were you popular in high school? Hell no. I was ugly, I moved too often to make friends and I was smart. Not the greatest qualities for Homecoming Queen.
17. Worst job you've ever had? It's also the shortest job I've ever had: worked for 4 hours doing telemarketing. I walked out for lunch and never went back.
18. One of your scars, how did you get it? Hm, how about the ones on the back of my left hand... From punching out 6 windows of a lying landlord who told the cops that I hadn't paid my rent, when I had, in cash, and he would not give me a receipt. (I was young, I have since lived and
learned!) My mother admitted that I showed considerable restraint by NOT punching out the huge picture window.
19. What's the largest age difference between yourself and someone you've dated? Ergh, define "dating". Could be up to 12 years... most probably less than 6.
20. Where did you lose your virginity? In Michigan.
21. Is there one thing all of your ex's have in common? None of them have me now!
22. Can you name 3 uses of Tee Tree oil on or for humans? Nope, but I can look it up if I ever need it. That's what books are for.
23. What book are you reading right now? Isn't that question up above?
24. What songs do you sing in the shower? I don't sing, I mumble my shopping list.
25. What time is your alarm clock set for? 6:30 am on weekdays. Then I hit the snooze button about 6 times.
26. It's Saturday at 3am. Where are you? Sleeping. I'm so lame.
27. Name 3 things that make you happy. Purple things. Sunsets. Walking in the woods.
28. Name some things that are on your walls. Spider webs. Pictures of my daughter. Kitsch.
29. Name something that falls from the sky. Dead birds.
30. What songs make you cry? (From O Brother Where Art Thou) "Angel Band"
31. What songs make you happy? The Monkees, "Daydream Believer"
32. What's one phrase you absolutely detest? "Whassup"
33. What makes an awesome party? Me!
34. What's your favorite material obsession? I have lots of junk but I don't obsess about most of it. Oh you mean material? I love fabric HAHA.
36. What's something your friends make fun of you for? Being frugal. Er, cheap. Whatever.
37. Favorite cereal? Frosted Flakes
38. Favorite Art Form: Nature
39. How many pairs of flip flops do you own? Zero. Can't stand that little thingy between my toes.
40. What do you want when you are sick? For everybody to leave me the hell alone.
41. Do looks matter? Nope. They're a nice bonus, but not essential.
42. Do you always wear your seat belt? Always, even in parking lots. I've already used up my "get out of car accident free" card.
43. Do you know how to play poker? No, you have to be able to count cards, which I just can't do. But I rock at euchre!
44. Do you read the newspaper? On Sundays.
45. Do you like roller coasters? NO. Hate 'em. Free fall, even simulated, SUCKS.
46. Do you make your bed daily? Whatever for? I'm just gonna get back in it. I need that 2.5 minutes for something else.
47. Do you regret anything? All the time. Lots of stuff. Past loves, that kind of crap.
48. Do you say "Hi" to people you don't know? Nope, I'm an introvert. I was labeled "stuck-up" in high school but I was really shy.
49. Do you play by the rules? If I get to make them.
50. Do you complain a lot? Probably. Reliable sources say I'm bitter.
51. Do you scrunch or fold your toilet paper? I'm a fold-er. And I use lots of it.
52. Do you truly hate anyone? Not actively, it' too karma-consuming. There are a few on my "mild dislike" list though.
53. Do you know anyone in jail? I hope not!
54. Do you walk around the house naked? I used to till I realized that if anyone came to the door they could see me as I streaked to my bedroom to find some clothes!
55. What do you do as soon as you walk in the house? Drop my keys/phone somewhere, then later spend 20 minutes looking for them.
56. Do you write in cursive or print? Some of each in a tiny weird mix. I like my handwriting. I'm constantly scrutinizing it for improvement. In high school I got in trouble and forced to write 100 sentences. I fit them all on the back of a postage stamp. My teacher cracked up and from then on we were friends.
57. What do you wear to bed? I love long T-shirts. For winter, I have fleece footie pajamas... one in black/red lumberjack plaid, one in leopard print. I LOVE THEM!
58. What's your philosophy on life? Life sucks then you die.
60. Does the number of people a person's slept with affect your view of them? Not so far as I know, heck more practice is good! Now as to WHO they've slept with, that's another thing. Thank the gods I'm downstream from SOME people..... tee hee
61. Do you watch the news? I actually got up early yesterday and watched the morning news... but still can't figure out why. Oh yeah, it kept me from opening up a book, which would have definitely made me late for work!
62. Which shoe goes on first? The right one.
63. Would you rather take the picture or be in it? I would definitely rather take the picture. I'm highly un-photogenic.
64. Are you picky about spelling and grammar? Always. I didn't win the 7 th grade spelldown for NOTHING! And I CAN'T STAND misplaced apostrophes! How hard is it to grasp the difference between the possessive form of a noun and a contraction??? Especially in advertising, I'm such a booger about it I won't purchase from companies who can't spell. They're too dumb to have my hard earned money.
65. What's something that most people do that you never do? Wear makeup.
66. Favorite style of Underwear for the opposite sex? None!
68. Do you cheer for the bad guy? What bad guy?
69. Been arrested? Yep
70. Been naked in front of cops? Nope
71. Considered a life of crime? Yep.
72. Considered being a hooker? Yep.
73. Kicked someone in the nuts? Yep.
74. Been awake for 48 hours straight? Yep.
75. Did you French kiss before you were 16? Yep but it wasn't that great. It got much better about 10 years into practice.
76. Did you parents hang up your artwork somewhere when you were little? Don't think so
77. Had a song written about you? Nope, at least not that anyone shared
78. Ever been skinny-dipping at night? Many times!
79. Ever been skinny-dipping during the day? Yes.
80. Ever been punched in the face? Yes.
81. Ever slept outdoors? Many times!
82. Have you ever saved someone's life? Yep
83. Has someone ever saved your life? Can't remember any....
84. Have you ever eaten spam? Yep
85. Have you ever had homicidal thoughts? All the time.
86. Have you ever met anyone famous? Define famous.... I've trained with the guy who trains the Queen's horses....
87. Have you ever peed in public? I'm not an exhibitionist. I have to close the door when I'm home alone.
88. Have you ever played naked twister? Nope, although I've gotten many invitations.
89. Pulled an all-nighter? Definitely.
90. Been on radio/tv? My 15 minutes of fame was being interviewed on CNN when O'Hare was shut down due to snowstorms. Turned out the guy who interviewed me was married to one of my high school buddies. How freaky is that?
91. What is the heaviest item you lifted last? My own ass, off the couch.
92. What is your best friend's mom's name? Um, Mom.
93. What is your favorite sit-down restaurant? I don't get to visit many of these anymore, but I do like Olive Garden and Red Lobster.
94. On average, what size tip do you leave at a restaurant? Depends greatly on the service. Excellent gets 20%, sometimes more if it's truly extraordinary. Crap service gets (literally) pennies. I've BEEN a waitress, I KNOW what goes on.
95. What are your pizza toppings of choice? Onions, Fungus, Shrimp
96. What's your favorite way to relieve stress? Horseback riding. Unless I'm stressing about *that, then sex.
97. What is your favorite board game? PayDay
98. Have you ever been drunk at work? Nope
99. Have you ever been in love? All the damn time.
100. Have you ever been knocked unconscious? Only once that I can remember, but I may not have been KNOCKED out, I think I fainted out of fear. My horse ran through a fence (actually he HIT it and flipped over it at about 35 mph)
101. Have you ever had anything removed from your body? My tonsils, several wisdom teeth, one small child.
102. Have you ever eaten snow? Yes.
103. Have you ever tried gluing your fingers together? Whatever for?
104. Have you ever sang in front of a large audience? Define large. When I was six years old, I got up on stage at the country bar my grandma hung out at and sang "Little Bunny Foo-Foo" in its entirety. I was a HIT!
105. A drug you'll never try? Cocaine.
Hypothetical Questions
106. If I bought you a drink what would it be? Hm, I like drinks that taste like candy. How about a Kahlua and cream?? Oooh wait, Applebee's Perfect Margarita.....
107. If you're driving in the middle of the night, and no one is around you, do you run a red light? Oh yeah (but I do check traffic first).
108. If you had to be locked in a small room with one person for 48 hours who would you pick? My ex husband. We can make time fly.
109. Would you date yourself? No, I'm a such a beeotch.
110. Would you walk naked for a half mile down a public street for $100,000? Show me the money!
111. Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100? Hell I'll kiss a thousand of them, at $100 each then I won't have to get naked!
112. If you were stranded on a desert island, who would you take with you? Someone with a boat
115. Could you live with roommates? Not women. They be beeotches. Men are much easier to live with.
116. Would you ever get plastic surgery? If I had the $$
117. Would you kill someone? I'd kill lots of people, as long as I feel that they NEED to be dead, and I could get away with it.
118. Would you rather be serious or funny? Funny, any day. Hilarious, I hope.
119. Would you rather drink whole or skim milk? Whole milk! Got spoiled working on a dairy farm for a summer..... we used to skim the cream right off the holding tank... mmmm, nothing better on Rice Krispies!
121. You suddenly have to flee the country and adopt a new name…what would it be? Mrs. Bananahammock. That makes me giggle every time.
122. You wake up as the opposite gender. What's the first thing you wanna do? Have a wank.
123. A wild animal you'd like to have as a pet? ?????? Heck and I just went to the zoo..... nothing there struck my fancy!
124. What's a weapon to suit your personality, habits and abilities? Poison, but it definitely has its deficiencies in face-to-face combat.
125. Would you rather give or receive a foot massage. Here's my feet. You decide.
126. Would you give your hubby a second chance if he cheated on you? Been there, done that. Problem was it didn't work in reverse.
127. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Of course, I'm fabulous!
128. What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of? Chicken Noodle Soup.
129. If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? No fucking way. I want that bus with broken brakes barreling down the road to be a complete and total surprise.
1. What is your earliest memory? Being picked up to sit on my Great Grandma's lap for a four-generation picture. Must have been about 18 months old. My mom swears I cannot remember it, but she's wrong. I have the picture somewhere too.
3. What was your favorite toy as a child? My Lone Ranger and Silver poseable "action figures". (Which is just PC for Boy Barbie Dolls)
4. What did you want to be when you were growing up? A veterinarian
5. When's the last time you've been sledding? A few years ago with AC and family. What fun!
6. What's the last dream you remember? I dream a million dreams a night and they mostly evaporate about 15 seconds after I wake up. But they're so complex, and so busy that I wake up exhausted every day.
7. First thought when the alarm went off this morning? "NOOOOOOOO!!!!"
8. What time did you wake up this morning? 5:23 am when the cat announced that he HAD to go outside to go potty. You know, I don't mind cleaning the catbox THAT much, but apparently he has vowed never to use one unless the snow is higher than his butthole.
9. First place you went this morning? Potty.
10. Last thought before going to sleep last night? No clue. Probably getting my mind in order for the work week (it's Monday)
11. What did you have for dinner last night? Roast Pork Stew. Okay it was supposed to be just roast pork but my mother added too much water and it was too late to simmer it down at 8:30pm. So I added lots of potato flakes to thicken it, some dried onions and pepper for flavor and it was pretty good.
12. When did you last cry? Hmm, sometime last week I think. I've about given up on it since it does me no good and just makes my face swell and my nose stop up.
13. Last book you read? Another ditzy romance novel from my XSMIL.
14. Song You Last Heard? Some Zeppelin on the radio... can't remember. Too groggy on the morning drive to work.
15. Last time you had a run-in with the cops? Honey, I AM the cops.
16. Were you popular in high school? Hell no. I was ugly, I moved too often to make friends and I was smart. Not the greatest qualities for Homecoming Queen.
17. Worst job you've ever had? It's also the shortest job I've ever had: worked for 4 hours doing telemarketing. I walked out for lunch and never went back.
18. One of your scars, how did you get it? Hm, how about the ones on the back of my left hand... From punching out 6 windows of a lying landlord who told the cops that I hadn't paid my rent, when I had, in cash, and he would not give me a receipt. (I was young, I have since lived and
learned!) My mother admitted that I showed considerable restraint by NOT punching out the huge picture window.
19. What's the largest age difference between yourself and someone you've dated? Ergh, define "dating". Could be up to 12 years... most probably less than 6.
20. Where did you lose your virginity? In Michigan.
21. Is there one thing all of your ex's have in common? None of them have me now!
22. Can you name 3 uses of Tee Tree oil on or for humans? Nope, but I can look it up if I ever need it. That's what books are for.
23. What book are you reading right now? Isn't that question up above?
24. What songs do you sing in the shower? I don't sing, I mumble my shopping list.
25. What time is your alarm clock set for? 6:30 am on weekdays. Then I hit the snooze button about 6 times.
26. It's Saturday at 3am. Where are you? Sleeping. I'm so lame.
27. Name 3 things that make you happy. Purple things. Sunsets. Walking in the woods.
28. Name some things that are on your walls. Spider webs. Pictures of my daughter. Kitsch.
29. Name something that falls from the sky. Dead birds.
30. What songs make you cry? (From O Brother Where Art Thou) "Angel Band"
31. What songs make you happy? The Monkees, "Daydream Believer"
32. What's one phrase you absolutely detest? "Whassup"
33. What makes an awesome party? Me!
34. What's your favorite material obsession? I have lots of junk but I don't obsess about most of it. Oh you mean material? I love fabric HAHA.
36. What's something your friends make fun of you for? Being frugal. Er, cheap. Whatever.
37. Favorite cereal? Frosted Flakes
38. Favorite Art Form: Nature
39. How many pairs of flip flops do you own? Zero. Can't stand that little thingy between my toes.
40. What do you want when you are sick? For everybody to leave me the hell alone.
41. Do looks matter? Nope. They're a nice bonus, but not essential.
42. Do you always wear your seat belt? Always, even in parking lots. I've already used up my "get out of car accident free" card.
43. Do you know how to play poker? No, you have to be able to count cards, which I just can't do. But I rock at euchre!
44. Do you read the newspaper? On Sundays.
45. Do you like roller coasters? NO. Hate 'em. Free fall, even simulated, SUCKS.
46. Do you make your bed daily? Whatever for? I'm just gonna get back in it. I need that 2.5 minutes for something else.
47. Do you regret anything? All the time. Lots of stuff. Past loves, that kind of crap.
48. Do you say "Hi" to people you don't know? Nope, I'm an introvert. I was labeled "stuck-up" in high school but I was really shy.
49. Do you play by the rules? If I get to make them.
50. Do you complain a lot? Probably. Reliable sources say I'm bitter.
51. Do you scrunch or fold your toilet paper? I'm a fold-er. And I use lots of it.
52. Do you truly hate anyone? Not actively, it' too karma-consuming. There are a few on my "mild dislike" list though.
53. Do you know anyone in jail? I hope not!
54. Do you walk around the house naked? I used to till I realized that if anyone came to the door they could see me as I streaked to my bedroom to find some clothes!
55. What do you do as soon as you walk in the house? Drop my keys/phone somewhere, then later spend 20 minutes looking for them.
56. Do you write in cursive or print? Some of each in a tiny weird mix. I like my handwriting. I'm constantly scrutinizing it for improvement. In high school I got in trouble and forced to write 100 sentences. I fit them all on the back of a postage stamp. My teacher cracked up and from then on we were friends.
57. What do you wear to bed? I love long T-shirts. For winter, I have fleece footie pajamas... one in black/red lumberjack plaid, one in leopard print. I LOVE THEM!
58. What's your philosophy on life? Life sucks then you die.
60. Does the number of people a person's slept with affect your view of them? Not so far as I know, heck more practice is good! Now as to WHO they've slept with, that's another thing. Thank the gods I'm downstream from SOME people..... tee hee
61. Do you watch the news? I actually got up early yesterday and watched the morning news... but still can't figure out why. Oh yeah, it kept me from opening up a book, which would have definitely made me late for work!
62. Which shoe goes on first? The right one.
63. Would you rather take the picture or be in it? I would definitely rather take the picture. I'm highly un-photogenic.
64. Are you picky about spelling and grammar? Always. I didn't win the 7 th grade spelldown for NOTHING! And I CAN'T STAND misplaced apostrophes! How hard is it to grasp the difference between the possessive form of a noun and a contraction??? Especially in advertising, I'm such a booger about it I won't purchase from companies who can't spell. They're too dumb to have my hard earned money.
65. What's something that most people do that you never do? Wear makeup.
66. Favorite style of Underwear for the opposite sex? None!
68. Do you cheer for the bad guy? What bad guy?
69. Been arrested? Yep
70. Been naked in front of cops? Nope
71. Considered a life of crime? Yep.
72. Considered being a hooker? Yep.
73. Kicked someone in the nuts? Yep.
74. Been awake for 48 hours straight? Yep.
75. Did you French kiss before you were 16? Yep but it wasn't that great. It got much better about 10 years into practice.
76. Did you parents hang up your artwork somewhere when you were little? Don't think so
77. Had a song written about you? Nope, at least not that anyone shared
78. Ever been skinny-dipping at night? Many times!
79. Ever been skinny-dipping during the day? Yes.
80. Ever been punched in the face? Yes.
81. Ever slept outdoors? Many times!
82. Have you ever saved someone's life? Yep
83. Has someone ever saved your life? Can't remember any....
84. Have you ever eaten spam? Yep
85. Have you ever had homicidal thoughts? All the time.
86. Have you ever met anyone famous? Define famous.... I've trained with the guy who trains the Queen's horses....
87. Have you ever peed in public? I'm not an exhibitionist. I have to close the door when I'm home alone.
88. Have you ever played naked twister? Nope, although I've gotten many invitations.
89. Pulled an all-nighter? Definitely.
90. Been on radio/tv? My 15 minutes of fame was being interviewed on CNN when O'Hare was shut down due to snowstorms. Turned out the guy who interviewed me was married to one of my high school buddies. How freaky is that?
91. What is the heaviest item you lifted last? My own ass, off the couch.
92. What is your best friend's mom's name? Um, Mom.
93. What is your favorite sit-down restaurant? I don't get to visit many of these anymore, but I do like Olive Garden and Red Lobster.
94. On average, what size tip do you leave at a restaurant? Depends greatly on the service. Excellent gets 20%, sometimes more if it's truly extraordinary. Crap service gets (literally) pennies. I've BEEN a waitress, I KNOW what goes on.
95. What are your pizza toppings of choice? Onions, Fungus, Shrimp
96. What's your favorite way to relieve stress? Horseback riding. Unless I'm stressing about *that, then sex.
97. What is your favorite board game? PayDay
98. Have you ever been drunk at work? Nope
99. Have you ever been in love? All the damn time.
100. Have you ever been knocked unconscious? Only once that I can remember, but I may not have been KNOCKED out, I think I fainted out of fear. My horse ran through a fence (actually he HIT it and flipped over it at about 35 mph)
101. Have you ever had anything removed from your body? My tonsils, several wisdom teeth, one small child.
102. Have you ever eaten snow? Yes.
103. Have you ever tried gluing your fingers together? Whatever for?
104. Have you ever sang in front of a large audience? Define large. When I was six years old, I got up on stage at the country bar my grandma hung out at and sang "Little Bunny Foo-Foo" in its entirety. I was a HIT!
105. A drug you'll never try? Cocaine.
Hypothetical Questions
106. If I bought you a drink what would it be? Hm, I like drinks that taste like candy. How about a Kahlua and cream?? Oooh wait, Applebee's Perfect Margarita.....
107. If you're driving in the middle of the night, and no one is around you, do you run a red light? Oh yeah (but I do check traffic first).
108. If you had to be locked in a small room with one person for 48 hours who would you pick? My ex husband. We can make time fly.
109. Would you date yourself? No, I'm a such a beeotch.
110. Would you walk naked for a half mile down a public street for $100,000? Show me the money!
111. Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100? Hell I'll kiss a thousand of them, at $100 each then I won't have to get naked!
112. If you were stranded on a desert island, who would you take with you? Someone with a boat
115. Could you live with roommates? Not women. They be beeotches. Men are much easier to live with.
116. Would you ever get plastic surgery? If I had the $$
117. Would you kill someone? I'd kill lots of people, as long as I feel that they NEED to be dead, and I could get away with it.
118. Would you rather be serious or funny? Funny, any day. Hilarious, I hope.
119. Would you rather drink whole or skim milk? Whole milk! Got spoiled working on a dairy farm for a summer..... we used to skim the cream right off the holding tank... mmmm, nothing better on Rice Krispies!
121. You suddenly have to flee the country and adopt a new name…what would it be? Mrs. Bananahammock. That makes me giggle every time.
122. You wake up as the opposite gender. What's the first thing you wanna do? Have a wank.
123. A wild animal you'd like to have as a pet? ?????? Heck and I just went to the zoo..... nothing there struck my fancy!
124. What's a weapon to suit your personality, habits and abilities? Poison, but it definitely has its deficiencies in face-to-face combat.
125. Would you rather give or receive a foot massage. Here's my feet. You decide.
126. Would you give your hubby a second chance if he cheated on you? Been there, done that. Problem was it didn't work in reverse.
127. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Of course, I'm fabulous!
128. What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of? Chicken Noodle Soup.
129. If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? No fucking way. I want that bus with broken brakes barreling down the road to be a complete and total surprise.
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