Michela takes her babies for a ride

Yesterday Michela told me she wanted to ride her new pony Missy. Secretly elated, I said "Sure!" She insisted that she had to bring all three of her "babies" (Cabbage patch kids, etc) outside as well. I could not convince her to bring just one.
We got to the pony pen and Michela absolutely REFUSED to use her saddle. She lined up all her babies outside the fence sitting on a tire to "watch". Then she took one doll, came into the pen and directed me, "Okay Mommy, you hold my baby and then help me up on the pony." (first picture)
I got her situated, holding on to the mane with one hand and her baby doll in the other. Missy looked a little disgusted at having to actually do something that resembled work, but she ambled around the ring rather quickly, as if to get it over with. When we had made one circuit, Michela said "Okay Mommy that's enough", leaving me feeling a little let-down. (Secretly I want this kid to LOVE horses as much as I do but I'm really trying hard not to push the issue).
Michela swung her leg over Missy's neck like a little rodeo star and jumped down with her baby. She then unceremoniously dumped her baby through the bars, climbed over the fence (second picture) and picked the doll back up. She set it down next to the others and picked up the next baby in line. Back in the pony pen, she again had me put her up on the pony and lead them around. Each baby got to go one circuit around the ring. I was trying not to roll on the ground with laughter. (third picture)
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