Independent Depression

I'm rather new to this blog thing. One thing I did not realize is that all new stuff shows up on top. So if I'm trying to write things in order you may not get to read them that way. My apologies. I had no idea I had so many things to say.

09 January 2008

Holy Crap! You can see my horses from SPACE!

Okay, maybe this is just from a low-flying alien scoutship, but check out this aerial map I found of my place! I have put a red dotted line around my property line. The bright green line shows what I annexed from the kindly old neighbor for the pony pasture. Blue dotted line shows the location of my tin teepee, er... house trailer. So even though I own 12 acres I'm *right by the road and *right next to my neighbor.

Can you spot the 3 horses out in the pasture?



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