Apathy or Ambivalence?
I can’t even think of an adequate rant. I have little segments of near content sandwiched by huge slices of unhappiness, and the whole thing is becoming very annoying. My step-mother-in-law (is that really considered a relative?) advised me today to start taking drugs. [More specifically, anti-depressants.] Ah yes, better living thru pharmaceuticals. I don’t like to even take an aspirin unless I can actually *see a broken bone protruding from my skin. I recently took some cold medicine touted as “non-drowsy” and discovered that apparently the way it works is to remove all thought functions from your brain and replace them with a low-grade slime that coats all your nerve endings. It literally made me stupid.
As if drugs would solve my problems. Will they fix my car, heal my relationship, manage my job? Will little blue pills take out the trash and feed the dog? Will the big white ones call up my creditors and make up big white lies? Will drugs complete my overdue income tax returns?
No. But maybe I just won’t care. Got any Prozac?