Independent Depression

I'm rather new to this blog thing. One thing I did not realize is that all new stuff shows up on top. So if I'm trying to write things in order you may not get to read them that way. My apologies. I had no idea I had so many things to say.

02 August 2007

Some Statistics (Ripped off from Dagmar's blog)

Height: 5'2" if I stretch or wear my "sassy shoes"

Hair Color: Differing shades of blond, depending on the season and how

much I've been in the sun. Since it's rather long, the underneath layers

are pretty dark, but I still like it. I might even be going gray but I

can't tell the white hairs from the blond ones.

Skin Color: Pasty with red facial overtones from semi-permanent summer

sunburn. Major freckles. They used to bother me but it helps that I don't

look in the mirror much.

Eye Color: Per my birth certificate, "smoky blue"

Glasses: Yes. Contacts: Sometimes, but they really dry my eyes out. Not

as clear as glasses but sometimes worth the inconvenience!

Body Type: Okay I admit, I have Muffin Top but not Camel Toe.

Shoe Size: 7 to 7 ½. It is apparently true that your feet gain ½ size

after you give birth. Thanks a lot, Michela!

Piercings: 1 hole per ear. My friend insists that I need a belly ring.

But then people would see my cottage cheese, so no thanks.

Tattoos: 1: Dreamcatcher with my dog Aja and my horse Zyggy. Created and

inked specially for me by my friend Raven.

Left/Right-Handed: Left. Out of 90+ people on just my mother's extended

family, only 1 other is a lefty. Don't know about dad's side.

Born: 08/05/1966, 9:21pm. Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Zodiac Sign: Leo. I've had my astrological chart done and I have 8

planets in Leo.

Martial Status: Married twice, divorced twice.

Home Town: Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Middle Name: White. Those of you who know me well will know it used to be
something else, but I had it legally changed the last time I was married.

Gave some bureaucracies fits, as many insist on hyphenating it with my

current last name, and others attempt vainly to include it as a *second

middle name while retaining the original one. That person no longer


Number of Siblings: 1 half-brother, 1 half-sister, 4 step-brothers, 2

step-sisters (1 deceased)

Number of Offspring: 1. And wouldn't you know, I ended up with a


Pets: 1 dog (ShyeAnne) and one cat-dog (Hunter). (He thinks he's a dog)

3 horses (Zyggy, Kia and Ellie).

Occupation: Mommy, Paper Pusher, Wielder-of-the-Whip, Data Cruncher,

Deputy, Graph Maker, Woman-Who-Can-Do-Anything-the

Engineers-Cannot-Figure-Out and Brown Nose Extraordinaire.

Bones I've Broken: Nada. I'd like to keep it that way!

Phobia: Bugs. Especially dead ones.

Physical Conditions: Arthritis in knees from too much horseback riding,

pretty healthy otherwise. Doc says I'm 25# overweight, I say I'll will

never starve!

Smoke/Don't Smoke: Very anti-cigarette. I do very infrequently enjoy a

Swisher Sweet cigar tho. That's all I have to say.

Some Favorites

Favorite Color: Purple (like you didn't know THAT one)

Favorite Number: Even numbers. I can't buy pop out of the machine here at

work if the ID code is an odd number. Lucky my favorite is in slot #28.

Favorite Day of the Week: Any day I get to sleep in and schlep around the


Favorite Animal: Horses. Dogs. Most mammals really, with the exception

of pigs (except that I LOVE bacon, does that count?) I believe that only

mammals have souls.

Favorite Flower: Gardenias. Violets. Pansies.

Favorite Food: It goes in cycles. Used to be Oreos; lately, guacamole.

Least Favorite Foods: Liver. Black Walnut ice cream.

4 Favorite Songs: Heck, I can't pick just 4.

Favorite Season: Summer, even though lately I've been annoyed that it

hasn't rained. Hay prices have skyrocketed and my lawn is crunchy.

Favorite Holiday: None really, mostly they're just another day.

Least Favorite Holiday: Christmas. I hate being pressured from EVERY

direction to BUY stuff for people. I hate religions that steal other

religions' holidays and then pretend it never happened.

Favorite Seasoning: Garlic

Favorite Wine: None, I detest wine. But I do love wine coolers. I'm such

a lightweight!

Favorite cheese: I'm not much of a cheese person. Anything mild. Brie is

gross, and who in their right mind would eat blue moldy cheese?

Favorite Cartoon Character: Calvin of Calvin & Hobbes. I'm afraid I'm

turning into his mother.

Favorite Movie of All Time: Blazing Saddles.

Favorite Movie within the last year: Not fair, I'm rather currently movie

impaired. I did like Ratattouie.

Favorite Movie Line: Er, I can never remember quotes. Too much other

drivel in my brain. Anything from above Favorite Movie.

Favorite Curse Word: Actually it's a whole string of cuss words. But I've

been forcing myself to use "Boogers!" since Michela already uses "Shit" and

"Dammit" in context. Ooops.

Favorite kind of humor: Puns.

Favorite Chore: Mowing the lawn.

Least Favorite Chore: Washing Dishes.

Right Now

Shows Programmed into my Tivo: I DON'T WATCH TV on a regular basis. Once

in a while I'll catch a rerun of "That 70's Show" and I do happen to like

"House". Mostly because the lead character is scruffy, rude and seemingly

unlikable. Kinda like me.

What's on my iPod: Again, I am technologically behind the times. I don't

even listen to the radio much.

Cell Phone Ring Tone: What I really want: the "communicator chirp" from

the Original Star Trek series. Anyone?

What's tuned in on the Car Radio: 107.7 FM. I only listen to the morning

show and sometimes the 80's Lunch. I hear that other radio stations exist,

but I have such a cheapie stereo that it won't hold pre-programmed

stations. I like my Monkees CDs better.

Current Book: Some dipsy romance novel that my ex-step-mother-in-law gave

me. I'm such a reading addict that I'll read cereal boxes. I usually have

several books going at once, partly because I've read them all so often.

Current Jewelry: None. I quit wearing it on a regular basis when I was

working at the veterinarian, and gave up on rings when Pete left. Which I

really miss, because I just ADORE the engagement ring he gave me. However

I can't decide if it would be PC to wear it, since it only fits the finger

it was originally intended for, and that just opens up Pandora's box.


Things I Suck At: Making decisions. I can't decide between 2 loaves of

bread at the supermarket.

Things I Rock At: Most of the crap I do at work. They love me.

Things I Like to do: Cross Stitching. Hanging laundry to dry outside.

Listening to my horses munch grass in the backyard at midnight.