Independent Depression

I'm rather new to this blog thing. One thing I did not realize is that all new stuff shows up on top. So if I'm trying to write things in order you may not get to read them that way. My apologies. I had no idea I had so many things to say.

17 April 2007

Miss Smarty Pants

Last night I was playing with Michela and her Brain Quest cards. She LOVES
these things, to the point that they are getting worn.

I pointed to one with a picture of 6 ducks and 2 swans. "How many are
there?" I asked.

Michela scrutinized the cards, and counted (pointing to the ducks) "One,
two, three, four, five, six", (pointing to the swans) "One, two".

Me: "Okay, now count ALL of them, how many are there all together?"

Michela (with a devilish look in her eye): "Uno, dos, tres, quatro, cinco,
sies, siete (sp?), ocho!"

Me: "WHOA! Okay miss smarty pants, show me ocho on your fingers!"

Shrieking with delight, Michela displayed eight fingers.

This could be serious. She is 3 1/2 years old. How am I going to keep
ahead of this kid???