Independent Depression

I'm rather new to this blog thing. One thing I did not realize is that all new stuff shows up on top. So if I'm trying to write things in order you may not get to read them that way. My apologies. I had no idea I had so many things to say.

22 June 2006

So darn busy

Still so many things to chitchat about but no time.

I'm actually going to a physician to see what's up. I've been sooo tired lately that nothing is fun anymore, just work work work. Vacation next week, taking both the 'rent and the spawn to Mackinac Island. Mackinaw City, Mackinac Island. I'm sure if I had more time to surf mindless-ley (?) I could tell you and why there are 2 different spellings and pronounciations, but again, I'm too tired anyway.