Independent Depression

I'm rather new to this blog thing. One thing I did not realize is that all new stuff shows up on top. So if I'm trying to write things in order you may not get to read them that way. My apologies. I had no idea I had so many things to say.

24 July 2006

Belief-O-Matic (tm) - A quiz about your religious and spiritual beliefs

Even if YOU don't know what faith you are, Belief-O-Matic™ knows. Answer 20 questions about your concept of God, the afterlife, human nature, and more, and Belief-O-Matic™ will tell you what religion (if any) you practice...or ought to consider practicing.

I also LOVE this disclaimer: Warning: Belief-O-Matic™ assumes no legal liability for the ultimate fate of your soul.


My results shown here. Guess I'll be checking out the nearest Quaker church!!!